For Crisis 24/7/365 • Dial 988 Suicide & Crisis Line • Call 855-581-8111 • Text 855-895-8398 Visit
Dickinson · Emmet · Lyon · O'Brien · Plymouth · Sioux Proudly serving 6 northwest Iowa counties

Education and Training

Sioux Rivers provides funding and support for area providers to attend, develop, and present trainings on various topics related to mental health and intellectual disabilities. As a result, Sioux Rivers have contracted with area Mental Health Providers to provide trainings in Mental Health First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid, and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). Sioux Rivers also supports our Mental Health Providers in providing specific topic trainings to local schools, community organizations, local churches, and area businesses upon request.

Along with other MHDS Regions across Iowa, Sioux Rivers contracts with Solution Point+ to provide Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) to local Law Enforcement Officers as well as additional support trainings related to crisis intervention for our provider network.

For more information regarding specific trainings and/or to suggest a regional training, please contact Sioux Rivers CEO or one of the Regional Service Coordinators.

Intake, Resource and Referral

Service Coordination

“Our entire family is very grateful for your quick response and enormous help in addressing the care for my husband.  He is now adjusting to the excellent care and services.”  Thank you again.

This page was printed from the Sioux Rivers on March 12, 2025. For the latest information, visit