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Sioux Rivers encourages stakeholder involvement by having a regional advisory board assist in developing and monitoring the plan, goals, and objectives identified for the service system as well as serve as a public forum for other related MH/DS issues.

Advisory Board

The board is comprised of stakeholders to assist in developing and monitoring the plan, goals, and objectives of the Sioux Rivers MHDS region identified for the adult behavioral health services systems. Members are appointed by Governance Board and comprised of the following with a maximum of 9 members: 

Board Members

Tammy Bruinsma
Dorothy Christensen, Chair
Brenna Koedam
Wade Koenen
Mike Martens
Sara Sprock
Cheryl Van Beek
Carl VandeWeerd
Barry Whitsell
Brianna Zandstra

Children's Committee

The board is comprised of stakeholders to assist in developing and monitoring the plan, goals, and objectives of Sioux Rivers MHDS Region identified for children’s behavioral health services systems. The Board has a minimum of 10 members appointed by the Governance Board and comprised of the following: 

Board Members

Denise Driesen
Megan Fretham
Brittany Funston
Don Kass
Brenna Koedam
Brenda Langstraat-Janisch
Kaisha Netten
Shawn Olsen
Kim Schroeder
Cheryl Van Beek
Brianna Zandstra

“Our entire family is very grateful for your quick response and enormous help in addressing the care for my husband.  He is now adjusting to the excellent care and services.”  Thank you again.

This page was printed from the Sioux Rivers on February 22, 2025. For the latest information, visit